
Exercise with Alexander Technique

Exercises are better if you know how to do them best.  Alexander fine-tunes your body; adds that extra cherry on the top!  Because you are looking at this page, you have your best body interests at heart.  But!  What is the ‘know how’?

It is time to consider “How come I follow the experts who say more core strength will fix the pain, yet the pain remains (or is getting worse)?”

‘No pain, no gain is a myth. It does not lie so much with doing more, harder, but rather with, what means will you use.  How you do more.

What does it mean “how” you do more?

When the arms and leg, head and torso are releasing, lengthening and widening away from the core, the solar plexus, TRUE strengthening is taking place.  A positive result comes from exercises with Alexander technique

Recently a young relative of mine has been suffering excruciating back pain.  Of course we commonly associate this with sedentary life.  Too much computer or couch slouch.  Not enough exercise. Yet this relative is a very dedicated cyclist/runner/exerciser.

So why does she get pain at all?  Ask yourself,

-When I exercise, am I doing more harm than good? (get top tips for easier movement here)
-Why do I get pain when I do certain exercises?
-When the doctor (or chiropractor) tells me to do certain exercises to strengthen my injured back/limbs etc, how do I know it is helping?

Pain first, then get better!  Is this true?

If you are experiencing pain before, during or after exercise, this is a sign that something is not right.

In the act of gaining your resolution to become fit, do you just grin and bear it?   Push to excess?  Or over-stress your muscles.

Like the frog in slowly heating water, you may not notice the slow damage till you have gone too far.

Why should you do more than your trainer or coach tells you to do?

When we are born, there is no manual that tells up how to live in the modern, gadget happy, exercise culture.  There are no guarantees that this or that exercise is going to be the best for ‘you’ for now and the ‘you’ for the future.  Educate yourself now.  If you know how your body and mind work best now, your ’60-year-old you’ will say “Thank You”!

Get the best advice and know how as guarantee.

Let Alexander’s fine-tunes make the difference!

For more information email Jann.  Or apply for the free Posture Made Simple online series here to learn how.